Diploma in Micro Economics

Partner Institution:

Institute of Professional Financial Managers (England)


Higher National Diploma


1 year

About Micro Economics Course:

Microeconomics is an engaging and essential college course that delves into the fundamental principles of economic analysis at the individual level. As part of the broader field of economics, this course provides students with a deep understanding of how consumers, firms, and industries interact within a market economy.

Through a combination of theoretical frameworks, real-world case studies, and data analysis, students explore the forces of supply and demand, consumer behavior, production costs, and pricing strategies. They develop the analytical tools to comprehend how individual decisions influence the allocation of resources and shape market outcomes.

Microeconomics introduces students to various market structures, from perfectly competitive markets to monopolies, enabling them to assess the impact of different market conditions on pricing, efficiency, and social welfare. Students also examine the role of government intervention and policy measures in influencing market equilibrium and addressing market failures.

With a focus on critical thinking and problem-solving, the course equips students with valuable skills to analyze economic situations, make informed decisions, and understand the implications of economic choices on individuals and society. It serves as a foundation for more advanced studies in economics and related fields and provides valuable insights for various career paths in business, finance, public policy, and beyond.

Through lively classroom discussions, interactive exercises, and thought-provoking assignments, students embark on an intellectual journey that not only deepens their economic literacy but also cultivates a broader understanding of the complexities of human decision-making and its impact on the world around us. Microeconomics as a college course offers students a gateway to the fascinating world of economic analysis, empowering them with the knowledge and skills to navigate the economic challenges of our interconnected global society.

Lecture Guide:

  • Tools for Economic Analysis
  • Supply and Demand Analysis
  • The Concept of Elasticity
  • Demand For and Supply of Labour (Wage Determination)
  • Theory of the Firm
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